Understand ReMonis solution

Need for a detailed insight 

A day in 2013 Bo Eskerod Madsen got an idea. He wanted to know the exact consumption and performance for each unit, 24/7. At this time, no solution could meet that exact need, and therefore Bo developed a new measurement concept called ReMoni.

The company’s DNA consist of local data sampling which is send to the cloud, where the users can access their consumption – measured over time and specifically for the single installations. What is in it for you, can best be explained with one of the sensors as an example.  

Understand the solution, with PowerMoniMain as an example in this article.

If consumption is the challenge, PowerMoniMain is the solution.

Non-specific consumption

Do you recognize the challenge with only non-specific consumption measurements?

Or do you know for sure that none of your operating costs are rising year after year? In many companies the energy account gets approved without anyone lifting an eyebrow, as long as it is within a margin of the account from last year. As a result, the development is rarely being checked up upon, which provides a great potential for raising billls – and large savings.

PowerMoniMain is not just a sensor product but a part of the coherent solution. In comparison with other market alternatives it is easy to install and inexpensive to acquire – and the ROI is typically only weeks. In other words, PowerMoniMain is a user friendly and effective energy meter that can help you get a detailed overview of your consumption.

It enables you to check up on your consumption when you have got time for it. With this complex cloud solution, you can maintain the overview across your electrical installations with detailed monitoring presented in a user-friendly view. Acting on facts have never been easier!


Get an overview of the complexity in your installations by screening specific measurements. 

With 15 channels you can monitor up to 15 units in one comprehensive overview.

At ReMoni we have spent years on developing the concept behind PowerMoniMain.

This meter has been created based on market insights and experience with specific production facility needs. PowerMoniMain stands out from the market alternatives by offering 15 channels and clamp on-installation. Overall, it has been recognized for its great potential for savings on consumption. As an ”add on” to your cost savings you are actively supporting a sustainable environment. It’s a win-win.

Solving a problem

When you receive your PowerMoniMain you should not clamp it onto the cables like a PowerMoniSpot, but install it into the buildings switch board. 

We have solved the typical problem with limited space in the main switch board when designing the PowerMoniMain.

It fits the switch boards by using CT-clamps mounted onto each single phase. From here data is send to ReMoni’s gateway and on to ReMoni’s cloud platform ReCalc. In ReCalc you can access your power consumption data presented in a detailed dashboard.

The easy choice

In short PowerMoniMain makes it easy to examine the consumption footprint.

If you need to know both power and voltage you can easily use PowerMoniMain with banana plugs with magnetic probes for the connectivity. Simply click one onto each phase terminal in the 3 phases of the switch board to receive monitoring data with a time interval of 2 seconds.

If your installations have a significant data consumption you can exchange the CT-clamps with some suitable for higher current-levels.

PowerMoniMain can be adjusted to different CT-clamps and manage op to 1200 ampere. Get an overview of the complexity in the electrical installations with quick screenings on different installations in your production. Screening measurements from PowerMoniMain provides detailed insights regarding electrical parameters such as power consumption and voltage variation.

If you would like to learn more, please find our presentation of ReCalc here.

The good choice

As mentioned in the introduction, ReMoni was invented thanks to Bo Eskerod Madsen’s wish for insight in his consumption and his his desire to spend the resources in the most sustainable way.

After the first few years in business we are still getting confirmed in what we do – and that a good consumption overview is a good first step towards a more sustainable operation.

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