Prevent penalties on your district heating

District heating and cooling are worth a lot of money. With the right insight you can prevent wasting money on additional bills.

Spend the money right

As a commercial district heating customer you automatically return the heated water to the heating plant after using it. If your return water happens to be too hot, there will be an energy loss. The raised temperatures require more water to produce the same amount of energy as with colder water, whereas you risk getting an extra bill.

Avoid additional district heating bills with the right return water temperature

When the temperature of the return water is too hot, the heating plant can do two things to ensure enough hot water for all:

  • They can send more water for district heating into the grid and thereby in circulation, resulting in a raised energy consumption. Otherwise:

  • They can raise the water temperature, resulting in a raised energy loss in the grid.

After all, optimal cooling can both save you and your surroundings for resources. 

Fact: Buildings are responsible for approximately 40% of the total energy consumption.

If you manage to deliver cooled return water, the heating plant will need to warm up a smaller amount of water before forwarding it to the next consumer. If your return temperature is low, the cooling is good. In this case you have been good utilizing the energy – maybe based on temperature insights.

Monitoring your cooling is a good investment

Expenses to cooling is a significant cost in most budgets, and it does pay off to check up on it. Additional bills on the district heating is a reality for many businesses, but it could easily have been avoided with improved consumption insights. By knowing the temperature on the in-run and out-run you are able to adjust the water temperature before the water is sent back.

Made easy by novel technology

ReMonis temperature sensor HeatMoniSpot provides you with an overview of the temperature of both in- and out-run. By combining AI and cloud-data HeatMoniSpot provides you with a user friendly overview of the water temperature on an ongoing basis. Exact data monitoring, as often as every 5 minutes makes it easy to localize the hours added to the bill marked “district water heating” and not at least act upon it.

Beside cooling of the district heating, you can save money by being aware of your other installations. You can use HeatMoniSpot to find and fix various errors.

Does your Building Management System turn on opposite functions at the same time?

To ensure harmonious installations you need to be especially aware of locations where heating and ventilation are both being used.

When an incident such as a power shutdown occurs, the settings are often reset, and the two functions suddenly run accordingly. Based on data you can ensure harmony in your installations by knowing for sure that warming and cooling systems at the same locations are not running at the same time – and thereby save time, money and resources.  

Minimize costs and CO2-emmision with harmonious installations

Yes, it seems logical. Nevertheless, errors in operation take place every day, all year around in all kinds of buildings. Monitor your operation to fix errors and save a lot of money.

HeatMoniSpot provides you with real time data insights. Act on facts.

Energy waste can be avoided with improved insights in your consumption – as provided by HeatMoniSpot. Acting in time can save you for a significantly raised bill. 

There could be large amounts of money to safe.

Still curious? In a house full of highly skilled engineers, we understand you. Therefore, we made you this bonus read about errors in the Building Management System and user over-steering.

Unsuccessful heating? Find out where and why in ReCalc.

There can be multiple reasons for unsuccessful heating. No matter the error you would be able to detect and localize it in ReCalc – the cloud platform presenting the data on your heating or cooling performance, etc. in a user-friendly solution. Check it out on youtube here.

Track the errors

Based on the patterns in ReCalc the errors can be tracked back to defect shunt ventils, broken radiator thermostats or something third. ReCalc makes it easy to find defects causing abnormal ups or downs in the consumption pattern. The only thing you need to do is to log onto ReCalc.

You can find everything you need to know about ReCalc here.

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