Anunt Public Remoni Technologies RO SRL

REMONI TECHNOLOGIES RO SRL, fiscal identification code 44832945, registered at the Trade Register under no. J22/2923/2021, announces the submission of the application for the issuance of the Environmental Authorization for the objective in place. Iasi, Bld. Socola no. 41, Iasi county.

The technical documentation can be consulted at the local company headquarters. Iasi, Bld. Socola no. 41, floor 1, office 1, Iasi county phone 0773946481 or at the headquarters of the Agency for the Protection of the Environment Iasi, Calea Chisinauului no. 43.

Any comments from the public regarding the activity and location of the objective will be sent to the headquarters of the Iasi Environmental Protection Agency, Calea Chisinauului no. 43.

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